National Indexing Day 2019

Posted on: 14/02/2019

The third National Indexing Day was held on Thursday 28 March 2019.

This year we ran a half-day event at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester. This event was aimed at editors commissioning indexes and other interested publishing professionals. It provided a useful opportunity for indexers and publishers to learn from each other so that together we can create better indexes and give added value to almost any non-fiction book. Following a welcome from our honorary president, Sam Leith, sessions and demonstrations by SI members focused on current indexing practices and digital developments regarding embedded and linked indexes for ebooks. There was also an ‘ask the indexers’ Q&A panel session and break times for publishers and indexers to meet and mingle. 

Online the conversation was busy, sharing the love of a good index with the hashtag #indexday. You can follow all the updates from the Manchester event and the discussions on Twitter with this story thread on our Wakelet account



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