5th Edition Training Course Launch

Posted on: 06/07/2020

A sample screen from the training courseWe are pleased to announce the launch of the 5th edition of the Society of Indexers’ distance-learning course ‘Training in Indexing’. The course has been remodeled to bring it more in line with modern professional training methods and to provide a better learning experience with more autonomy and responsibility. There is more tutorial and one-to-one support and more focus on tutored indexing assignments. There are still rigorous formal tests, however, and a high pass standard is required, to ensure competency in the commercial world.

Course materials have been revised and updated for the 5th edition, and information on recent developments in publishing, including e-publishing technologies, has been further updated. The course aims to give new indexers some understanding of the digital publishing environment they are entering.

For more information go to the training course information page.

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