A notepad, watch, pen, pair of glasses, and phone neatly laid out on a wooden surface

Commissioning an indexer (Part 1)

Posted on: 10/03/2023

Finding and booking an indexer The first series of posts for the new SI blog takes you through the process of finding an indexer, commissioning an index and reviewing it. Here, Tanya Izzard discusses the process of finding and booking your indexer. How to find your indexer When you need to find an indexer, your
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National Indexing Day 30th March 2023 #IndexDay

National Indexing Day 2023

Posted on: 01/03/2023

For #indexday 2023 we held an online event aimed at editors commissioning indexes and other interested publishing professionals. The event provided a useful opportunity for indexers and publishers to learn from each other so that together we can create better indexes and give added value to almost any non-fiction book. You can find out more
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Fellowship revised pathway launched

Posted on: 14/06/2022

The Society is pleased to announce the launching of our revised Fellowship pathway.  Fellowship is the highest grade that can be awarded to Society of Indexers members, and is part of a professional development continuum. This starts with Professional Membership, gained currently by achieving accreditation after successfully completing the Society’s training in indexing course, and progresses with Advanced
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National Indexing Day 2022 30th March 2022

National Indexing Day 2022

Posted on: 07/02/2022

The Society of Indexers celebrated the sixth National Indexing Day and the 65th anniversary of our founding on Wednesday 30th March 2022. Celebrations were held throughout the day across social media with the tag #indexday. A summary of the discussions on Twitter can be found on our Wakelet summary. We marked this year’s event with
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Dennis Duncan

Awards 2020 and 2021

Posted on: 17/11/2021

We’re pleased to announce that Dennis Duncan has been awarded Honorary membership of the Society of Indexers in recognition of his role in publicising indexing and indexers and his close links with the Society. This was approved by a unanimous vote at our AGM this month Also at our conference we announced that Graine Milner
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Conference 2021: Boosting Your Indexing Business

Posted on: 04/10/2021

Booking is now open for the Society of Indexers’ first online conference, which runs from 2 p.m. on Tuesday 9 November to 4 p.m. on Wednesday 10 November. The first day features a keynote presentation by Dennis Duncan and Paula Clarke Bain on Index, a history of the, plus opportunities for networking, a Q&A session
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National Indexing Day 2021

Posted on: 15/03/2021

Updated 31st March 2021 The Society of Indexers celebrated the fifth annual National Indexing Day on Tuesday 30 March 2021 across social media with #indexday. You can see a full list of the Twitter story with our Wakelet story here National Indexing Day was established in March 2017 to commemorate the diamond anniversary of the
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5th Edition Training Course Launch

Posted on: 06/07/2020

We are pleased to announce the launch of the 5th edition of the Society of Indexers’ distance-learning course ‘Training in Indexing’. The course has been remodeled to bring it more in line with modern professional training methods and to provide a better learning experience with more autonomy and responsibility. There is more tutorial and one-to-one
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Betty Moys 2019 Award

Posted on: 26/06/2020

We’re pleased to announce that Melina Costi has won the Betty Moys Award for the best newly Accredited Indexer of 2019, and that Dino Costi and Non Lowri Evans have been Highly Commended. All three gained very high marks on the Society’s Training Course and are to be congratulated. The award is normally given at
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Indexing Competition 2020

Posted on: 26/03/2020

So you think you can index? As part of #indexday this year we are holding a competition for amateur indexers. See if you have what it takes to become an indexer. To enter, index our leaflet Last but not least and send your entry to us. On #indexday itself (31st March) look out for tips
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