The 2019 conference will run from the afternoon of Saturday 7 September to lunchtime on Monday 9 September. You will find it useful to read the pre-booking information before making your booking. Prices are listed below in descending order. (You can also view a flowchart showing prices for indexing society members in diagrammatic form.) SI members should be logged in to see members’ prices. Please complete all sections marked with an asterisk. Before clicking ‘send your booking’, please check carefully that you have selected the correct option(s). Members of other indexing societies should contact their own society for the relevant code to obtain the members’ discount. Contact the conference organiser if you have any queries. N.B. The conference fee includes a £50 non-refundable deposit. If you have to cancel your place after 1 July 2019 we may be able to give a partial refund of the balance if we are able to fill your place.
Bookings are closed for this event.