Nicole Blakey, BA


Membership Grade: Advanced Professional Member

Contact Info

Mobile: 07596 629667
Email: [email protected]

General Experience

An information professional with many years of indexing experience. Proficient in Spanish, I am always interested in assignments relating to Spain and South America. I have considerable experience of, and enthusiasm for, journal indexing, with a particular interest in humanities and religions.



I have experience of architectural assignments and in particular I have indexed works on church architecture and design.

Literature and Poetry In Foreign Languages

Experience of working with literature in Spanish.

Spanish (Works About)

I have experience of indexing works on Spanish literature, and on culture and travel in Spain and South America.


I am interested in all aspects of mythology and folklore.


Experience in indexing works on religion, both in general and on individual topics such as church brasses.


I have much familiarity and experience in this area both through building up and managing a theological library for many years, and through indexing The Tablet.

Related qualifications